Not Recruiting? Here’s How We Can (umm) Help?!

So, without jumping on the (don’t want to mention it) bandwagon, we at Pink Giraffe wanted to help those who are NOT recruiting currently. Yes, you heard me right!! If you are NOT recruiting, we still want to speak to you!
At a time of uncertainty many companies are now putting their recruitment on hold, this means amongst lots of other industries the recruitment one is likely to be feeling the strain.
But in this time of uncertainty is the answer to simply ‘freeze’ our recruitment or is this a time to reflect upon our recruitment strategy, processes and expenditure? Is this a chance to continue to grow a talent pool and use the situation to make positive impressions to the talented and available candidates in the market? (I think so!)
Without sounding ‘anti-recruitment agency’ the reason I launched Pink Giraffe is because I have never been overly satisfied with the ‘quick fix’ approach and money driven tactics that recruitment agencies use. I get it is a ‘sales’ driven market for many recruitment agencies but is it really about ‘sales’ or is it about long-term partnering? And if it is about long-term partnering, what are your recruitment agencies or PSL doing to help you when you aren’t recruiting? (Or are they now chasing the ones who are??)
Having had a lengthy career across both internal talent acquisition and agency side recruitment there are ‘gaps’ that need to be closed in on. From initially launching Pink Giraffe in January 2019 we always had a different vision and here we are now, knowing at this difficult time that ‘this is why we launched’
It’s time to be POSITIVE! 😊
We have put together some questions for you to think about and perhaps some solutions to a number of different ‘scenarios’ your business may be faced with currently. What are your thoughts? Do these apply to you? Should we be talking?
1) Your business is not recruiting currently but you typically use recruitment agencies for most of your vacancies.
The truth is nobody knows your business better than you! So why do you use recruitment agencies for most of your roles? What can you be doing for yourselves to save money on using recruitment agencies? How can you embed an internal recruitment process that works and allows you to source talent directly as much as possible? Are you ready to launch an internal talent team but don’t know where to start? Often, we use recruitment agencies for ease, or due to lack of time but whilst you aren’t recruiting what can we do to help set these things up for you? How can we begin to look at saving you money where you normally spend it?
2) Your business might need to make redundancies.
Okay, this is not easy for any business to have to go through. What if we could join you on-site when this is announced to the business, signing up those at risk of redundancy and starting to help them with updating their CV’s and social media platforms, assisting them with finding new opportunities early-on in the process. Would that make you seem more supportive as an employer? Would that help those who are panicking about how they are going to get a new job? Do you get this support currently from your PSL or recruitment agency?
3) You need to have flexible resource at your fingertips.
The uncertainty across the market might mean that you need more flexibility with your staffing requirements. You might be focusing on winning small ‘projects’ from clients. Do you have a regular freelance talent pool to approach? Are they going to be the right option for your projects? How do we control spend on our freelance use? At what point is it counter-productive? What other options are there?
If any of the above scenarios are relevant to your business currently than why not have a chat with us.
We aren’t a ‘normal’ recruitment agency we are Pink Giraffe and we stand out from the crowd! The question is what are you doing to make your recruitment process and strategy stand out from the crowd in this current climate? If you’re not recruiting this doesn’t mean you should ignore your recruitment strategy, it’s a time to get ahead of it and reap the rewards when you are ready to hire!
Get in touch.. it’s time to stand out!